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A Powerful Teaching and Prayer for These Times of Unrest

Watch. Listen. Participate.

The words of the prayer that comes through me we kindly transcribed and are included here. After participating in the prayer with me in the video in a meditative state, return to the words in contemplation again and again.

Prayer of Union

Into this prayer we invite all the energies that are in a state of excitement about healing. We invite them home into this field in wild embrace of our grief, our collective grief; in wild embrace of our fear; in wild embrace of our rage; in wild embrace of our guilt; in wild embrace of our confusion and frustration, our sense of abandonment and hardship. All of this wrapped compassionately in union with understanding and realization, with forgiveness, with confidence and reassurance and absolute pure cherishing.

In this light of prayer we make a commitment: that when there is pain in the collective that is visible, we are the home in which that pain can be embraced and rocked, comforted and reassured. When there is transformation underway, we are the home in which there is cheering and support. When there is a need for light to shine we are that illumination.

We are this field of love in which all are welcome and all are known. The moment there is union in this field each are known as love themselves. We are refuge for humanity. We are the remembrance for humanity. We are the passageway to transcendence. We are the honoring of all that is underway in the process. We can feel the honor of this service and and humility of this service and the joy of this service.

Simply feeling into the truth of this being, feeling the full nourishment of this prayer for ourselves and for others, we say Amen, Amen.


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