I recently had a fun and informative discussion with Lisa Wetsel in which covered a lot of important ground!
One of the many things I admire about Lisa is that she has been doing something that most people would consider strange even by progressive terms -- reading Akashic Records -- for more than 20 years...not in a woo woo place like California or Sedona or Asheville, but in the heart of Oklahoma.
It speaks to Lisa's strength of character and unshakable trust in higher wisdom/guidance that she has steadfastly remained in that deeply conservative area all these years quietly doing her Divine thing. She became known globally a few months ago when her interview on Next Level Soul shot her into the public eye in a big way, with more than half a million people tuning in to hear her channel her Akashic guides.
I relate to Lisa not only through the common thread of mystic wisdom, but also as someone whose roots are in the southwest. I grew up in New Mexico, just five miles from the Texas border, and spent my first year away from home in Durant, Oklahoma. It's truly a joy for me to see someone like Lisa anchoring enlightened energies in that part of the world!
I enjoyed my chat with Lisa and trust you will too.